Streamline your workflows and reduce environmental impact. Discover our tailored products for every step of your journey.
CarbonBlock is the all-in-one solution to determine, calculate, manage, and exchange Product Carbon Footprint data.
With RFXchange, you can manage your entire request process in one easy-to-use platform.
Xii uses AI to automate answering CSRD questionnaires, saving time by leveraging provided data and past responses.
At CircularTree, we’re committed to empowering businesses with innovative, intuitive solutions for sustainability and efficiency. Our tools simplify complex processes using advanced technology like AI-based algorithms, seamless integrations with platforms like Catena-X, and secure, serverless cloud infrastructure—delivering reliable and scalable solutions tailored to your needs.
Visionary Expertise
User-Focused Design
Proven Track Record
Commitment to Compliance
Scalable Innovation
Sustainability and digitization are not only in the focus of the BASF strategy, they are also becoming very important across the whole industry. “CarbonBlock” is a digital platform to securely exchange data, increase transparency in supply chains and support suppliers and car manufacturers in the construction of sustainable components.
Our company is thus already well equipped to meet upcoming requirements of international vehicle manufacturers for standardized product carbon footprints. We have created transparency and set a benchmark for the industry with this systematized, end-to-end approach.
CarbonBlock helps us to further decarbonize our products and strengthen our sustainability strategy – for environmentally friendly products and a better future.