Resilient Carbon Prices

Published by Mattilda Stein on

How to achieve resilient carbon prices.

Prices for EU Carbon Permits have increased from 10 Euro in 2018 to more than 100 Euro, yesterday. That means prices have tenfold within just 5 years and most experts believe they will further increase. 

Resilient carbon prices are looking different

To stay competitive, companies should become resilient against further price increases. They need to focus on reducing their own carbon emissions but also the carbon emissions from their supply chain (Scope 3). While many companies already have plans in place for becoming carbon-neutral, supply chain emissions are still an unknown territory for most companies. 

To enable easy and efficient transparency, various ecosystems like the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, Catena-X and ESTAINIUM have developed standards that are the basis for the widespread exchange of product carbon footprints (PCF) along the value chain. 

CircularTree offers a quick and easy solution that allows you to understand where the carbon footprint of your products is coming from. Based on that, you can start a systematic and predictable journey with your suppliers to achieve net-zero products. Furthermore, you are already prepared for your customer requests towards decarbonization! 

Request a life DEMO to learn how to work on resilient carbon prices !